Credit Repair Services: 10-Step Process

Score Enhancement - How We Raise Your Credit Score

A GREAT SYSTEM! Supported by caring professionals

Is it the people or the process? What really makes a difference? A great system is hampered if not carried out by competent, trained personnel. And even determined individuals will be frustrated without the proper tools and knowledge. UpMyScore fully understands the importance of uniting both, great people and a superior system. We are continually training and systematically improving our process to insure you get the maximum boost in your credit score.

10 Step High-impact Process

Step #1: Data Entry

Once we receive your credit reports, they will go to Data Entry where they will be entered into our client management system.

Step #2: Notes Selection

Immediately after data entry, you will receive a notice that you can log in, see your accounts, and add any explanatory "notes" to your accounts or select from the list of common explanations.

Step #3: Initial Interventions To Bureaus

Following review of your accounts, your Case Advisor will prepare interventions to the credit bureaus on your behalf, based upon your notes and/or other errors that are detected.

Step #4: Senior Case Advisor Consultation

After through review of the facts of your case, the supervisor that oversees your case will contact you to map a course of action tailored to your situation taking into account the number of issues, types of issues, available credit, and goals you've selected.

Step #5: Assist In Establishing New Credit

If your Senior Case Advisor determines that you need additional credit to help improve your score, he/she will explain why and how to go about adding positive credit.

Step #6: You Will Forward Response Received From Bureaus

The credit bureaus have up to 45 days to respond to our interventions. You'll see a date when you log in to view "My Issues." This is the date WE expect to receive the credit bureau responses from YOU.

Step #7: Case Advisor Updates Online Console

Console SnapshotBased on your service schedule, your case will then be cued to be worked. When your case is worked, the online UpMyScore console will be updated to reflect changes in your reports.

Step #8: Secondary Interventions

Once all issues have been addressed, secondary interventions will be sent on your behalf on all issues not responded to, and issues that were not resolved.

Step #9: Escalated Interventions

Escalated interventions will be prepared for stubborn issues that remain. This may also include additional supporting documentation if available.

Step #10: Prepare Settlement Offers (optional if desired)

Using our proprietary software to analyze any outstanding debts, we can determine which are most important to resolve. If you desire, we will contact creditors to settle outstanding legitimate debts that remain to further improve your situation. Settlement offers require a separate fee and are based on a percentage of the amount of money we can save you by settling for the least amount.

We Offer One Truly Great Program

But we offer you the choice of two service schedules depending on your budget and time-line.

BlueRibbonOutstanding Service

Clients love UpMyScore because we work each customer's case just as we would our own: conscientiously, to the best of our ability with an obsession to provide truly outstanding service.

JusticeExercise Your Rights

Federal and state laws protect consumers from inaccurate, incomplete & unverifiable credit reporting.

"He who does not exercise his rights is no better off than he who has no rights." - Ted Wooley, UpMyScore Founder

BottomLineThere is no one who cannot dramatically improve their situation with a little time, money and professional guidance using our time-tested service.